All tagged Christie's International Real Estate
There are some essential points to consider for an unforgettable and successful meal with your family and friends. It all starts by choosing the right location, in this case, your own home. The same questions arise each time: if to dine in the large terrace with lake views or by candlelight in the dining room, or in front of the fireplace? Local or international cuisine?
Um ein Essen mit Freunden und Familie zu einem unvergesslichen und gelungenen Event werden zu lassen, sind viele Zutaten von Bedeutung. Sicher fängt erstmal alles mit der Wahl der richtigen Location an, also mit dem eigenen Zuhause. Dabei stellen sich für jeden Anlass die gleichen Fragen: Essen auf der grossen Terrasse mit Seeblick oder im Esszimmer bei Kerzenschein und Kaminfeuer? Regionale oder internationale Küche?
Per rendere una cena con la famiglia e gli amici un successo memorabile, vi sono da considerare alcuni punti. Ovviamente, il tutto inizia con la giusta scelta del luogo, in questo caso la propria abitazione. Come per tutti gli eventi, ci si pone sempre le stesse domande; se pranzare sulla terrazza con la bella vista sul lago oppure a lume di candela in sala; se stare davanti al camino; se preparare piatti regionali o internazionali, ecc.
Ein jeder von uns wird binnen weniger Sekunden an einen bestimmten Ort in die Vergangenheit versetzt oder an einen lieben Menschen erinnert, bei diesen einen Geruch. Blumen, Sommer, Wald, Strand und Parfum sind nur einige Düfte, die unser Erinnerungsvermögen aktivieren und uns buchstäblich wieder in diese eine Situation mit all seinen Emotionen und Eindrücken transportieren. Welcher Duft lässt Sie träumen?
Within a few seconds each of us will be put in a certain place in the past or reminded of a beloved one because of perfume. Flowers, summer, woods, beach and fragrance are just a few of the scents that activate our memory and literally take us back to this one situation with all its impressions and emotions. Which fragrance makes you dream?
Il design creativo con i rispettivi materiali, i linguaggi e i suoni più diversi paragonati alla natura e al mondo, può essere definito arte. Progettare la propria vita in modo da essere soddisfatti e felici in ogni circostanza e in armonia con il proprio ambiente è "arte di vivere".
Das schöpferische Gestalten mit verschiedensten Materialien, Sprachen und Tönen in Auseinandersetzung mit Natur und der Welt ist die allgemeine Definition von Kunst. Sein Leben so zu gestalten, dass man zufrieden und glücklich ist und das in allen Lebenssituationen sowie im Einklang mit seiner Umwelt, ist die „Kunst zu leben“.
I profumi possono riportarci in pochi secondi in un determinato periodo del passato, oppure ricordarci una persona cara. I fiori, l’estate, il bosco, la spiaggia e le fragranze sono solo alcuni fattori che attivano la nostra memoria e possono riportarci letteralmente in situazioni passate, rivivendo emozioni e impressioni. Vi è forse un’essenza profumata che la fa sognare?
The creative design with all the different materials, languages and sounds, compared to nature and the world, can be called art. Designing one's life to be satisfied and happy in all circumstances and harmony with one's environment is the "art of living".
Network owners and executives from North and South America, Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa attend two-day event devoted to elevating the marketing of luxury real estate.
Nature as a trendsetter. Vertical forests. Outside in. The most harmonious forms, colors and materials are still the nature. Landscapes shaped by wind and weather, deep and vivid colors of flora and fauna, materials that were created billions of years ago under adverse circumstances.
Two-day event welcomed network owners and brokerage executives from North and South America, Europe, Asia and Australia to discuss trends and innovations in luxury real estate...
Es ist passend, dass das Thema in dieser Ausgabe der Architektur gewidmet ist. Es werden Ihnen Menschen vorgestellt, die Ihnen helfen können, Ihre architektonischen Bestrebungen wahr werden zu lassen.
Wäre es nicht schön von Zeit zu Zeit seine Batterien wieder aufzuladen, um sich an den einfachen Freuden des Seins zu erinnern, anstatt immer nur zu tun? Nehmen Sie einen Augenblick Abstand von der Arbeit, von E-Mails, von Müssen und Sollen.
Turn it up to 11: Luxury Defined presents a collection of international homes with the ultimate in high-end amenities.
Eccentric late German department-store tycoon Helmut Horten created this large estate in a completely secluded location.
From prime to ultra prime and beyond, the world of luxury real estate continues to evolve alongside the changing lifestyles, shifting financial objectives, and diverse preferences of those who purchase high-value homes.
From Sydney to São Paulo, five exemplars of the iconic mid-20th-century architectural movement — all from Christie’s International Real Estate
The two-day, luxury-focused event featured interactive panels on the latest trends in real estate and presentations from renowned professionals such as leading architect David Adjaye.