All tagged Brione sopra Minusio

Роскошь, современность & комфорт с великолепным видом на Озеро Маджоре - Эксклюзивная вилла класса люкс, идеальное место для современной жизни в Брионе сопра Минузио

Этот проект, который уже находится на стадии строительства, родился в результате реконструкции виллы, построенной в свое время в месте откуда можно полностью насладиться великолепным панорамным видом на Озеро Маджоре и окружающие горы.

La futura abitazione per la sua collezione d’arte in Ticino?

Una nuova tendenza si sta propagando in tutto il mondo, quella di collezionisti che allestiscono abitazioni stravaganti per le loro collezioni d'arte. Prendiamo l’esempio della miliardaria e collezionista polacca Grazyna Kulczyk; nella remota Susch, località montana in Svizzera, la signora Kulczyk ha acquistato un monastero medievale e, ampliandolo per mezzo di uno scavo di 9000 tonnellate di roccia sotto gli edifici esistenti, lo ha trasformato in "Muzeum Susch", uno spazio espositivo e museale unico al mondo. L'inaugurazione è avvenuta lo scorso 2 gennaio 2019.

Das zukünftige Zuhause für Ihre Kunstsammlung im Tessin?

Ein neuer Trend sorgt weltweit für Schlagzeilen: Sammler schaffen extravagante Locations für ihre Kunstsammlung. Nehmen wir zum Beispiel die polnische Milliardärin Grazyna Kulczyk: Im abgelegenen Susch, ein Ort in den Bergen in der Schweiz, kaufte Frau Kulczyk ein mittelalterliches Kloster. Sie vergrösserte die Räumlichkeiten in dem sie 9.000 Tonnen Gestein unter den bestehenden Gebäude aushob und ausbaute. So ist ein einzigartiges Ausstellungszentrum, das „Muzeum Susch“ für Weltgeschichte entstanden. Eröffnung war am 2. Januar 2019.

The future home for your art collection in Ticino?

A new trend makes headlines around the world: Collectors creating extravagant homes for their art collection. Take Polish billionaire and collector Grazyna Kulczyk:  In remote Susch, mountain location in Switzerland, Mrs. Kulczyk bought a medieval monastery and, by enlarging it through excavation of 9’000 tons of rock underneath the existing buildings, transformed it into “Muzeum Susch”, a unique exhibition and museum space thus making story around the world. The opening was on 2nd January 2019.

The Daily Telegraph: Make the most of an Alpine autumn

Between the summer sun and winter sports, these Swiss resorts show off their multi-coloured beauty, says Zoe Dare Hall. Swiss resorts, like all Alpine destinations, are increasingly talked about these days in terms of their dual-season appeal. It's part of the push to get visitors and property buyers to see them as a summer destination as much as a place that's about hurtling down snowy slopes in winter. But the real star of the show is autumn. The vast, multi-colored land-scapes - and lack of crowds - make this the most Instagrammable of seasons, yet it's still something of a secret. Think deep, glassy blue lakes and flame colored trees, hazy sunlight that bathes the valley floor and white-capped mountains beyond hills of brilliant the green.