Wetag Consulting featured in Luxury Portfolio International® Magazine spring 2018

The featured home "Spacious villa with swimming pool & big land in a wonderful location" in Carona, Switzerland offers 4 floors, in Lugano-Carona (9 km to the center of Lugano) with a beautiful plot of 5'000 m² that guarantees complete privacy. The living area, with its kitchen and wide windows, offers a wonderful lake view. The property comprises 4 bedrooms with their own bathroom and a splendid attic. Marvellous fitness area with sauna, outdoor swimming pool and 4 parking places. Just few steps from the old town you arrive to this wonderful villa where luxury, privacy and wide spaces are harmoniously mixed together.

Culinary Tours of Lake Lugano's Grottos

Many of the atmospheric grottos lining the shore of Lake Lugano can only be reached on foot or by water. In recent years, an evening boat tour of the grotto has become popular. After enjoying a typical repast of brasato or polenta by candlelight in a restaurant of their choice, passengers go back on the boat’s return trip two hours later.

Markets on Lake Maggiore

The weekly markets held in the lakeside villages on the Italian shore of Lake Maggiore are easily accessible by boat from either Locarno or Ascona: in Luino on Wednesdays, in Verbania-Intra on Saturdays and in Cannobio on Sundays. Particularly the market in Lunio has drawn, for years, hordes of tourists and bargain hunters from as far away as the northern region of the Alps, Bavaria and Austria. In addition to making great purchases and discovering these charming villages, visitors can further enhance their trip by taking a relaxing cruise on Lake Maggiore, described by Stendhal as "one of the most beautiful places in the world."

Wetag Consulting presents: Golf Senior Cup 2018 in Ascona on Lake Maggiore

Every year when springtime starts, it is the awakening of outdoor activities in Ticino. On April 5th 2018, Mr. Urs Ries, Captain of the Senior Section at Golf Club Patriziale in Ascona, invited 40 senior members to a springtime golf competition sponsored by Wetag Consulting, Finest Real Estate in Ticino, Switzerland. The 18 holes golf course that occupies 50 hectares is one of Switzerland’s best golf courses and is located right on Lake Maggiore in Switzerland with its length of 5324 meters.

Picasso – A Different Gaze

Although Pablo Picasso certainly received more public exposure than any other artist in the history of XXth century, he is paradoxically perhaps also the most enigmatic. Art historian Maurice Rheims, appointed by the French government to document the artist’s personal belongings after his death, discovered more than 45’000 unknown pieces...


Sie gehören zu den besten Weinen der Welt, ihr Weingut «Tenuta dell’Ornellaia» geniesst Kultstatus. Erleben Sie in der Küche des Restaurant La Brezza einen exquisiten Abend. Mediterrane Spezialitäten von Chefkoch Salvatore Frequente (17 GaultMillau Punkte), kombiniert mit Le Volte, Le Serre Nuovo und Ornellaia, serviert am Ort des Geschehens.Ab in die Küche, fertig, los!

Wetag Consulting представляет недвижимость: Наш старый новый год

Любимый всеми русскими праздник с непонятным для иностранцев названием «старый Новый год», похоже, превратился в международный. В который раз в казино «Кампионе д`Италия» состоялся грандиозный гала-вечер The Russian Old New Year, организованный компанией Garbo Management SA. Наш журнал – неизменный медиапартнер этого события, не первый год объединяющего не только русских, живущих в Италии и Швейцарии, но также ярких, успешных, веселых людей многих национальностей. Те, кто хоть раз праздновал в ночь с 13 на 14 января знаменитый Vecchio nuovo capodanno в «Кампионе», неизменно приходят вновь, чтобы весело встретить Новый год по старому стилю.

In concert: Hagen Quartett / Jörg Widmann clarinet at 25th January at LAC - Lugano

German composer and clarinettist Jörg Widmann is the protagonist of this January concert. The renowned musician has already been artist-in-residence in Dubai, Mainz and Bamberg, as well as the Rheingau Festival. Together with the famous Salzburg-based quartet lead by the Hagen Brothers (Lukas and Clemens play two Stradivarius instruments, sister Angelika a Maggi viola), Widmann will present two quintets...

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year 2018!

We sincerely thank you for a successful year 2017. Have you already found your dream property through us, just liked us on 'Facebook' or viewed the videos of our properties? With pleasure we will actively support you again in the new year and assist you professionally, personally & sympathetically in your search for the right property in beautiful Ticino from 2nd January 2018!

Wetag Consulting presenta: The Russian Old New Year 2018 - Capodanno Russo

Trepidante attesa per “The Russian Old New Year 2018”, l’evento organizzato dall’azienda di marketing Garbo Management SA che si terrà Sabato 13 gennaio 2018. Lo sfavillante Salone delle Feste del Casinò di Campione d’Italia aprirà le porte a circa 400 ospiti internazionali, una platea eterogenea che condividerà momenti di intrattenimento, svago e anche di business.Madrina e presentatrice della serata sarà la showgirl e attrice Natasha Stefanenko, che insieme al volto noto della RSI Julie Arlin, scandirà i momenti clou dell’evento conducendo gli ospiti sino allo scoccare dei tradizionali 12 rintocchi di mezzanotte.

Soloists of the Byzantine Academy at LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura on Thursday 21th December 2017

In the course of the Lugano concert at Thursday21 December at LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura, Dantone will lead us to Venice at the time of the birth of the modern concert, not only through the genius of Antonio Vivaldi, but also though rarer but no less refined works by Tomaso Albinoni, Baldassare Galuppi and Giovanni Benedetto Platti, a Padua composer considered to be one of the inventors of the sonata form.

Exclusive luxury real estate symposium held in Bordeaux, France brings together European real estate leaders

Mr. Schnorf / Owner, Iradj Alexander-David / Director Locarno & Ascona and Kevin Quast, Marketing & PR Manager with Wetag Consulting, attended the European Real Estate Network (EREN) member symposium, which took place 9th and 10th November in Bordeaux, France. Open only to members of EREN, an exclusive network of prestigious independent real estate companies focused on high-end property sales, the member symposium attracted professionals from across Europe. EREN Bordeaux affiliate, Maxwell-Baynes, hosted the symposium.