Recently the second EREN-meeting of the year 2016 took place in Lisbon. Three top-flight guest speaker talked about the situation of the Portuguese market and future.
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Recently the second EREN-meeting of the year 2016 took place in Lisbon. Three top-flight guest speaker talked about the situation of the Portuguese market and future.
L'acclamata cantante di New York Vanessa Rubin inaugura col suo quartetto, lunedì 17 ottobre, alle 20.30, al Teatro del Gatto di Ascona, la nona stagione del Jazz Cat Club. L’artista presenterà un repertorio di grande jazz vocale attraverso pezzi di Charlie Parker, Carmen McRae e tanti altri.
On 8 September 2016 the Swedish Swiss Chamber of Commerce organised an event on the above topic hosted and sponsored by UBS and Wetag. Marc Genova, Head Corporate and Institutional Clients UBS Ticino, and Ueli Schnorf, Owner, Wetag Consulting, presented two views of the real estate market in Ticino.
This charming, spirited, and rollicking musical tells the story of the incredible life of TASIS Founder M. Crist Fleming and looks back at life in Ticino in the 1950s–1970s.
Live music, DJ-sets, Bar tematici, Food District, Open Market e Virtual Reality saranno il cuore de laRotonda 2016, il nuovo villaggio del Festival del film Locarno che aprirà le sue porte dal 31 luglio al 14 agosto, tutti i giorni dalle 18.00 alle 3.00.
Mit „Happy“ hatte er einen globalen Riesenhit, zu dem die ganze Welt tanzte. Nun kommt der Multi-Instrumentalist zu einem Exklusiv-Konzert ans Moon and Stars 2016 nach Locarno.
Bereits zum 13. Mal wird die einmalige Kulisse der Piazza Grande zur Bühne für bekannte Interpreten des internationalen und nationalen Pop und Rock. Vom 7. bis 17. Juli bietet das Festival Konzerte mit Stars aus dem Musikolymp, umrahmt von jährlich bis zu 120‘000 Personen.
A veritable Estival Village will be set up allowing the public and music lovers to enjoy a wide array of remarkable performances.
Throughout its 69 year history, the Festival del film Locarno has occupied a unique position in the landscape of the major film festivals.
Looking forward to a productive day full of great new initiatives...
Wetag Consulting präsentierte am 31.5.2016 im Centro Svizzero in Mailand, gemeinsam mit dem Swiss Business Hub Italia das Andermatt-Swiss-Alps-Projekt. Mehr als 40 Personen sind der EInladung gefolgt und verfolgten mit Interesse die Präsentation.
32nd Jazz Ascona, from 23rd June to 2nd July.
On the lakeside of Lake Maggiore 10 days of partying, 180 concerts and numerous renowned artistes from New Orleans as well as Raphael Gualazzi, Barbera Dennerlein and China Moses, creole food and Lindy Hop evenings.
The two-day, luxury-focused event featured interactive panels on the latest trends in real estate and presentations from renowned professionals such as leading architect David Adjaye.