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Un nome prestigioso come Christie's International Real Estate ora visibile in modo prominente ad Ascona

Il 16 febbraio 2023, clienti e amici di Wetag Consulting si sono riuniti per celebrare l'apertura di un nuovo prestigioso ufficio, insieme ai proprietari Philipp Peter, Iradj Alexander David e Ueli Schnorf. Il nuovo ufficio si trova in Viale Monte Verità 1 ad Ascona, di fronte all'ufficio postale, sostituendo il vecchio ufficio nelle strette strade del centro storico. Durante un aperitivo nel tardo pomeriggio, gli ospiti hanno avuto l'opportunità di esplorare il nuovo showroom e visionare le proprietà in mostra disponibili in vendita. Champagne e piccoli stuzzichini sono stati serviti mentre gli ospiti si intrattenevano in discussioni con il team di Ascona.

A prestigious name like Christie's International Real Estate now prominently visible in Ascona

On February 16, 2023, clients and friends of Wetag Consulting gathered to celebrate the opening of a new prestigious office, together with the owners Philipp Peter, Iradj Alexander David, and Ueli Schnorf. The new office is located at Viale Monte Verità 1 in Ascona, across from the post office, replacing the old office in the narrow streets of the old town. During a late afternoon aperitif, guests had the opportunity to explore the new showroom and view the showcased properties available for sale. Champagne and small snacks were served as guests engaged in discussions with the Ascona team.

Ein so prestigeträchtiger Name wie Christie's International Real Estate nun gut sichtbar in Ascona

Am 16. Februar 2023 versammelten sich Kunden und Freunde der Wetag Consulting, um gemeinsam mit den Eigentümern Philipp Peter, Iradj Alexander David und Ueli Schnorf die Eröffnung eines neuen, repräsentativen Büros zu feiern. Das neue Büro befindet sich in der Viale Monte Verità 1 in Ascona, gegenüber der Post und ersetzt das alte Büro in den engen Gassen der Altstadt. Bei einem spätnachmittäglichen Aperitif konnten die Gäste den neuen Showroom sowie die ausgestellten zum Verkauf stehenden Liegenschaften entdecken. Bei Champagner und kleinen Snacks diskutierten die Gäste mit dem Team in Ascona.

Wetag Consulting attends the Leading Real Estate Companies of the World Global Symposium fall 2022 in Cascais, Portugal

Ueli Schnorf, Philipp Peter (CEOs & owners) and Anna Shpagina (Sales support assistant & Referral coordinator) with Wetag Consulting attended the Leading Real Estate Companies of the World® Global Symposium, which took place September 29 – October 1 in Cascais, Portugal. The event attracted top real estate professionals affiliated with Leading Real Estate Companies of the World®. This invitation-only network connects the best local and regional independent real estate firms worldwide.

Wetag celebtrates the Affiliate of the Year 2019 Award by Christie's international Real Estate

Principles Ueli Schnorf and Philipp Peter were announced as winners of the coveted crystal obelisk trophy before a crowded room of network colleagues. The evening was hosted in the grand Gilded Age estate of industrialist Henry Flagler, since designated a National Historic Landmark and museum. Charlotte Delaney, London-based Director for Christie’s International Real Estate, said: “Wetag’s printed marketing materials are of exceptional quality to perfectly represent the exceptional estates the company offers for sale. Wetag also provides the award-winning Christie’s International Real Estate quarterly magazine to local five-star hotels such as Eden Roc and Giardino Ascona as a coffee-table journal for their important guests to enjoy.”

Literaturevent Monte Verità: Grosse Erwartungen

Die achte Ausgabe des Literaturfestivals mit dem Titel «Grosse Erwartungen», der sich auf den namhaften Bildungsroman von Charles Dickens bezieht, dessen Todestag sich 2020 zum 150sten Mal jährt, will Gelegenheit bieten, mit hervorragenden internationalen AutorInnen, PhilosophInnen, Intellektuellen und Kunstschaffenden unserer Zeit über die derzeitigen gewaltigen sozialen und kulturellen Umbrüche zu debattieren und über unsere Fähigkeit, uns den Herausforderungen zu stellen, die die Zukunft uns aufgibt: