All tagged Lago Maggiore

Eleganz + Präzision: Der Golf Senior Cup 2024 im Golfclub Patriziale Ascona unterstützt von Wetag Consulting

Am 25. April 2024 war der malerische Golfclub Patriziale Ascona, gelegen in der idyllischen Landschaft des Tessins am Ufer des Lago Maggiore, Schauplatz des sechsten Golf Senior Cups. Das Turnier, welches von Wetag Consulting gesponsert wurde, zog sowohl Clubmitglieder als auch speziell eingeladene Gäste an und bot einen spannenden Wettkampf unter der Sonne.

Golf Senior Cup Ascona 2022 sponsored by Wetag Consulting

On 6 April 2022, the President of the Golf Senior Class, Franco Ferrari, with the kind support of Wetag Consulting Real Estate, invited guests to the Senior Cup 2022 at the Ascona Golf Club after a two-year break. Once again, 30 enthusiastic senior golfers responded to the call. All players gave their best and were very satisfied with the tournament, the subsequent prize-giving ceremony, and the three-course menu at the Bucadiciannove Golf Restaurant.

Golf Senior Cup Ascona 2022 by Wetag Consulting

Am 6. April 2022 hat der Präsident der Golf-Seniorklasse Franco Ferrari mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Wetag Consulting Immobilien zum Senior Cup 2022 im Golfclub Ascona nach zwei Jahren Pause geladen. Dem Ruf sind wieder 30 begeisterte Golfsenioren gefolgt. Alle Spieler haben Ihr Bestes gegeben und waren sehr zufrieden mit dem Turnier, der anschliessenden Preisverleihung sowie dem 3 Gänge Menu im Golf-Restaurant Bucadiciannove.

Processions of the Holy Week in Mendrisio

Holy Week processions in Mendrisio inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. On Maundy Thursday one of the most impressive traditions of Switzerland takes place in Mendrisio: the Easter procession. The first written account of this celebration dates back to the 17th century, but with high probability its roots lie even further in the past.

The Daily Telegraph: Make the most of an Alpine autumn

Between the summer sun and winter sports, these Swiss resorts show off their multi-coloured beauty, says Zoe Dare Hall. Swiss resorts, like all Alpine destinations, are increasingly talked about these days in terms of their dual-season appeal. It's part of the push to get visitors and property buyers to see them as a summer destination as much as a place that's about hurtling down snowy slopes in winter. But the real star of the show is autumn. The vast, multi-colored land-scapes - and lack of crowds - make this the most Instagrammable of seasons, yet it's still something of a secret. Think deep, glassy blue lakes and flame colored trees, hazy sunlight that bathes the valley floor and white-capped mountains beyond hills of brilliant the green.