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Un nome prestigioso come Christie's International Real Estate ora visibile in modo prominente ad Ascona

Il 16 febbraio 2023, clienti e amici di Wetag Consulting si sono riuniti per celebrare l'apertura di un nuovo prestigioso ufficio, insieme ai proprietari Philipp Peter, Iradj Alexander David e Ueli Schnorf. Il nuovo ufficio si trova in Viale Monte Verità 1 ad Ascona, di fronte all'ufficio postale, sostituendo il vecchio ufficio nelle strette strade del centro storico. Durante un aperitivo nel tardo pomeriggio, gli ospiti hanno avuto l'opportunità di esplorare il nuovo showroom e visionare le proprietà in mostra disponibili in vendita. Champagne e piccoli stuzzichini sono stati serviti mentre gli ospiti si intrattenevano in discussioni con il team di Ascona.

Luxury Lifestyle Awards Interview with Ueli Schnorf, Philipp Peter & Iradj Alexander David Owners of Wetag Consulting

Wetag Consulting leads the way in the luxury real estate market, covering the picturesque Ticino region in Switzerland. Established in 1973, the company is an independent owner-managed boutique real estate agency. The owners pride themselves on their in-depth knowledge of the area, which they call home. As the exclusive member of Ticino, Wetag Consulting represents the most important luxury global property networks.

A prestigious name like Christie's International Real Estate now prominently visible in Ascona

On February 16, 2023, clients and friends of Wetag Consulting gathered to celebrate the opening of a new prestigious office, together with the owners Philipp Peter, Iradj Alexander David, and Ueli Schnorf. The new office is located at Viale Monte Verità 1 in Ascona, across from the post office, replacing the old office in the narrow streets of the old town. During a late afternoon aperitif, guests had the opportunity to explore the new showroom and view the showcased properties available for sale. Champagne and small snacks were served as guests engaged in discussions with the Ascona team.

Wetag Consulting è stata recentemente inclusa nella Top 100 Real Estate Brokers & Developers of the World 2022

Luxury Lifestyle Awards: Congratulazioni per l'inserimento nella TOP 100 Real Estate Brokers & Developers of the World 2022. Cosa significa questo per lei personalmente e per l'azienda nel suo complesso? 

Wetag Consulting: Sono molto felice per i nostri dipendenti. Il feedback positivo dei clienti è il più bello che possiamo ricevere, ma rimane individuale. Un premio è una sorta di applauso pubblico, un marchio di qualità, molto utile per l'immagine.

Luxury Portfolio Magazine - Spring 2023, Mediterranean holiday villa

Sophisticated ambience, spacious rooms, heated outdoor pool & lots of sunlight. Stately, completely private, very elegant, easy to live in: these are the attributes of this very attractive Mediterranean villa for sale in Minusio, also as secondary residence. From the elegantly landscaped driveway to the breathtaking 180° panoramic view — it is heartwarming. All rooms have access to the terraces and the perfectly maintained plane garden with pool. A basement also offers plenty of workspace and a spacious wine cellar.

Wetag Consulting wurde kürzlich in die Top 100 Real Estate Brokers & Developers of the World 2022 aufgenommen

Luxury Lifestyle Awards: Herzlichen Glückwunsch zur Aufnahme in die TOP 100 Real Estate Brokers & Developers of the World 2022. Was bedeutet dies für Sie persönlich und für das Unternehmen als Ganzes? Wetag Consulting: Ich freue mich sehr für unsere Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter. Positives Kundenfeedback ist die schönste Rückmeldung, die wir bekommen können, aber sie bleibt individuell. Eine Auszeichnung ist eine Art öffentlicher Applaus, ein Gütesiegel, sehr hilfreich für das Image.

Ein so prestigeträchtiger Name wie Christie's International Real Estate nun gut sichtbar in Ascona

Am 16. Februar 2023 versammelten sich Kunden und Freunde der Wetag Consulting, um gemeinsam mit den Eigentümern Philipp Peter, Iradj Alexander David und Ueli Schnorf die Eröffnung eines neuen, repräsentativen Büros zu feiern. Das neue Büro befindet sich in der Viale Monte Verità 1 in Ascona, gegenüber der Post und ersetzt das alte Büro in den engen Gassen der Altstadt. Bei einem spätnachmittäglichen Aperitif konnten die Gäste den neuen Showroom sowie die ausgestellten zum Verkauf stehenden Liegenschaften entdecken. Bei Champagner und kleinen Snacks diskutierten die Gäste mit dem Team in Ascona.

Wetag Consulting has recently been awarded a prestigious place in the Top 100 Real Estate Brokers & Developers of the World 2022

Luxury Lifestyle Awards: Congratulations on being selected as one of the TOP 100 Real Estate Brokers & Developers of the World in 2022. What does this mean to you personally and to the company as a whole?

Wetag Consulting: I am very happy for our collaborators. Positive customer feedback is the most beautiful feedback we can receive, but it remains individual. An award is a kind of a public applause, a tag of excellence, very helpful for the image.

Wetag Consulting attends the Leading Real Estate Companies of the World Global Symposium fall 2022 in Cascais, Portugal

Ueli Schnorf, Philipp Peter (CEOs & owners) and Anna Shpagina (Sales support assistant & Referral coordinator) with Wetag Consulting attended the Leading Real Estate Companies of the World® Global Symposium, which took place September 29 – October 1 in Cascais, Portugal. The event attracted top real estate professionals affiliated with Leading Real Estate Companies of the World®. This invitation-only network connects the best local and regional independent real estate firms worldwide.

Paul Klee - La collezione Sylvie e Jorge Helft

Il MASI Lugano presenta una straordinaria raccolta di disegni e incisioni di Paul Klee (Münchenbuchsee, 1879 – Muralto, 1940) dalla collezione Sylvie e Jorge Helft. Esposta per la prima volta nel suo insieme in un contesto museale, la raccolta comprende una settantina di opere tra disegni a matita, a penna, pastelli, acquerelli, acqueforti e litografie, che coprono un ampio arco temporale della produzione dell’artista, dal 1914 fino alla sua morte.